Compuspec is a fresh, vibrant, and innovative company dedicated to technology and the people who use it. While distributed intelligence has been our technological focus, we also recognise that it is the comfortable and efficient use of this technology that matters most.
Our attention to detail and core engineering expertise continues to give our customers the most reliable, technically capable, and energy efficient products available. Couple this with our strong company values and beliefs in quality and innovation, both in product and staff, and the result is a company which has proven to be a valuable competitive advantage for all our partners.
Hard work mixed with more than a little fun helps give Compuspec its culture; a passion filled culture that we are proud of. Inspiration is often found whizzing around the go kart track or from the formation of the pickles on the burger from the local burger joint. From the mouth of a senior account manger we have heard the phrase that says it all, "The minute this stops being fun, we close the doors and go home."
Our goal is to pre-empt the market, not just follow it. Knowing what is possible in technology today is all about knowing what is coming around the corner. We aggressively push staff to keep up to date and looking beyond what has been done or what is currently being done, to what might be possible. Combine this with an international focus and a dynamic company culture and you have Compuspec Industries, a company for tomorrow.