Our expertise in design engineering could be the solution to the incorporation of electronic technology into your products without the need for employing your own in-house engineers.
Our team of World Class engineers have vast experience in all aspects of electronic design including: Over 20 years experience in the telecommunications industry.
- Broad experience in different areas of development including:
- Automation
- Embedded systems
- Embedded TCP/IP communications
- LED Lighting
- PC Software/Database development
- Printed Circuit Board layout/design
- Remote data logging
- Remote in-circuit programming
- RF ID / Smart Cards
- Security
- System Integration
- Telecommunications
- Wireless Communications
We have a proven reputation for innovative design, both with our own products and products that we have developed for customers. References can be obtained to support our abilities from well-satisfied past and present users of our expertise.
Our team values integrity as the absolute crux of all business relationships. Your intellectual property is at the core of your business and will be fiercely protected.
We pride ourselves in striving for excellence in all that we do. Our team's customer focus is best portrayed in the philosophy they use to describe themselves, "If we are going to expend the time and energy to make a product and provide a service, then we will set the goal to perform it flawlessly - flawlessly as defined by the customer"
We have our own electronic production facility that can be utilised for prototyping and production runs. This in-house facility gives us the advantage that products are designed with a focus on volume manufacture (Design For Manufacture).